We offer lawn fertilization services in the Apopka, FL area
Greener Grounds LLC provides a superior lawn care service tailored to meet the needs of your lawn to achieve that healthy, beautiful, Florida-friendly lawn. This lawn care program is specially developed to provide your lawn with the proper nutrients needed to keep your property growing green! Whether it's St. Augustinegrass, or Zoysiagrass, we have the expertise you need to maintain a healthy, green, pristine lawn.
Your lawn can be affected by numerous elements year round, disrupting normal growth and appearance. Some problems are seasonal, some are environmental, yet some result from man made stress, weakening the turf and making it more readily susceptible to lawn pests and diseases. We take the steps necessary to identify problem pests and diseases found in your turf, along with what conditions contribute to the problem, and develop a solution for your turf to restore growth and appearance.
You can see the results! Our lawn is on the right!
Services are provided every other month, or six times annually.
Each application includes an insecticide to control annoying pests, fertilizer and minor elements to encourage or maintain proper health and growth, along with herbicides and fungicides, as needed, to control certain lawn diseases.
A healthy lawn not only increases your property value and beautifies the neighborhood, it also aids in cooling and cleaning the air we breathe, and in reducing ground water pollution by filtering pollutants.
Our lawn care program follows guidelines established by Best Management Practices (BMPs) in an effort to protect and preserve Florida's water resources by using appropriate fertilizer rates, sources, and application methods to reduce any potential pollution of Florida's ground and surface waters.
Let our expertise help you with your lawn care needs. Contact us today for an estimate on our lawn fertilization services!